Omnigodity is the name given to a god that exists in the higher cosmology and is one of the many directors existing in the library. Omnigodity while being a director is one of the hardest jobs amongst all the directors. He is known for being passionate for the lower cosmology called "Gods and Mortals," with him being one of the more unique directors as he has gotten to know beings known as "creators" and even having gotten access to the Hyper-Stories, which has been one of the many privileges that Omnigodity gained, as he is regarded as one of the better creations in the wiki not only because of that but also because of his behavior. Omnigodity is an actual god like any other director, as they exist at the very top of the library as directors and are from the higher cosmology, which is the name given by the lower cosmology beings, or rather anyone below the Nexus and in-between. Omnigodity has countless abilities as God but rarely uses any of them because of his great authority as a director. Omnigodity often refers to him as a him and has skin below his clothes, just like Milf omni404 does under her piece of clothing. Omnigodity originated from a verse called "The True Godverse." However, he disappeared from that verse when the nigh-omnipotent beings of that verse made trouble for him, which made him wander across the void of fiction, which got him into this void and into the dream realm. He had fallen into the dream realm and fallen down to Gods and Mortals, which is regarded as the lowest of the lowest dreams.
Omnigodity is vastly different from the one in the True Godverse, as after coming to Gods and Mortals, he went through massive changes. His previous lifestyle would be nothing in this place and one where it is openly embracing of them being nothing more than fictional ideas. Omnigodity is hard-working because of these conditions. At the same time, he wants to meet more often with the entities known as "creators," as he finds them more interesting than anything else to ever exist in the entirety of Gods and Mortals and even in the True Godverse itself.
Director Authority
As a director Omnigodity is capable of manipulating the library itself and all its levels. Omnigodity can directly choose who can go to the next level or if one shall be thrown from a level and be demoted to a lower level. He is aware of everything that happens inside the library with this only able to be countered by another director of the library or someone with higher rank than even him.
Zodiac Powers
Omnigodity is capable of summoning the Zodiacs as physical manifestations. While he is able to summon the zodiacs from western culture he can also summon the ones from the asian culture and even utilize the powers of these Zodiacs. Omnigodity will gain all powers from the Zodiacs from which he borrows the powers from with the powers he gains depending on the Zodiac and what that Zodiac represents or what is thought of it represents.
Absolute Condition
Omnigodity phyiscal capabilities are at their peak he is able to rival anyone even beings stronger than him in physical capabilities as everyone here are gods. Omnigodity is capable of ignoring all concepts when needed with his body alone and defy just anything that he doesn't like. He is capable of interacting with reality or non reality, with metaphyisc or even pataphyiscs. That godly body can just do absolute anything that is required for a God to do.