This is a restoration of the old OmniGodity.
OmniGodity←New OmniGodity
The author is EpicFlick.
This is not the official character of ALPHATALE
Sans is a fusion of Omnipotent! Sans and Infinitey Code and Ten no kami, Omnipotent mainly controls its fusion because he absorbed them both when they were weak, so he used his power to create some chains in the fusion, that can stop the power of infinitey code and ten no kami. So his base power is to enhance Omni's power by a little bit of Infinitey code and ten no kami power. In order to increase his power, he must remove the chains of Inf code and ten no kami.
OmniGodity was formed when Infinitey Code lost to Omni 404 after destroying many universes in a long battle. omni404, so absorbed Inf code, but he immediately kicked him out of his body. omnipotent was at this moment, waiting for omni404 to leave, he approached Inf and said how he was, he didn't die, Omnipotent was about to kill him, but he realized He couldn't waste all his power, so he absorbed Inf and formed a being called OmniGodity. Enter Fusion Omni creates some chains for Inf Code to stop him from taking conversational control of Fusion. After he does this he then realizes that something strange has happened, he is no longer under the control of Ten no Kami and is under the influence of Infinitey Code, so he takes a break and he searches and finds Ten no Kami. Omni is being manipulated by Inf Code because Inf wants him free and he wants Ten to kill Omni, but this plan It didn't work. With his new powers, OmniGodity easily defeats and absorbs Ten, wrapping him in the same chain of Inf Code.
Now OmniGodity is a presence that goes beyond Omniverses, and more to help and save people.
Omnigodity wears a black jacket and a jumpsuit with the infinity symbol on the chest. He also wears black and white shoes.
His face is black and white, with a semi-happy face with blue-rimmed teeth on the right, and a semi-sad face with red-rimmed teeth on the left. He has two different colored faces for his eyes.
Sans has the roles of Omnipotent! Sans and Infinitey Code (the ultimate enemy of the Undertale homunculus), but Omnipotent has more control. Sans when fighting, just like Omnipotent!
Torment Infected, defeat Error404 not Omni404, even though OmniGodity knows that Omni404 is also Error404, and completely recreate AlphaTale (Fanon), then go on to defeat King Boundless.
Skills / Power[]
Power Manipulating / Power Manipulation[]
Ability to recognize all of your opponent's abilities and strengths, and learn all higher powers.
Infinity-Blasity/Infinity Blast[]
As a self-generated ability of OmniGodity, this ability is absolutely devastating.
If you make homunculus for OmniGodity, you only use 80 dame to balance the player, or infinity/100 dame.
Omnitoon/ OmniGodity Toon[]
OmniGodity uses this ability to help OmniGodity create all situations that have never existed and manipulate all situations and act out what is happening and what has happened in all situations.
Manipulate the balance of illusions and be able to balance everything to make it work.
Allow OmniGodity to pass anywhere and all entities so that enemies cannot reach OmniGodity.
OmniGodity has absolutely infinite power, allowing OmniGodity to never tire or get hurt, while also making it impossible for any enemy to break OmniGodity's infinity and for enemies to overcome OmniGodity's power. Because it is absolutely infinite.
Infinity-Purification Rays/Infinity Purification Rays[]
OmniGodity shoots out infinite beams when using this skill. One beam is infinitely small, and the infinitely small ray slowly grows into an infinitely large beam, etc. (Anything hit by this ray will be erased from existence.) .
Infinity-Beam/Infinite Beam[]
Emits a laser that emits an infinite number of letters.
Infinity-Colority/Infinite Colors[]
A rectangular box that summons extremely powerful beings.
Infinity-Boneity/Infinity Bones[]
Can shoot small or frustrating bones, in black and white.
Infinity-Goddess shield/Infinity Goddess shield[]
Almost a special ability, this ability creates Goddess shields and anyone who passes by is transformed into OmniGodity! Sans power absorption.
Infinity-Manipulation/Infinite Manipulation[]
Sans can manipulate anything, which may be physical, such as: matter, energy, space-time structures, etc.; or metaphysical: soul, life, death, aspects and concepts of reality. He can manipulate anyone's statistics, health, power, appearance, everything. He can also manipulate bypasses and destroy them completely.
Omni-Creation / Omnipotence-Creation[]
Sans can create anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the whole itself. Here are some examples.
Universes,Multiverses And Omniverse Creation Universes, Multiverses and Omniverse Creation: OmniGodity!Sans can create and manipulate Universes, Multiverses and Omniverse as they wish.
Abilities Creation: OmniGodity! Sans can create any ability he wants, and he can give that ability to another being.
Sans can create any kind of being and creature, it may already exist, it may also be common, and when that being is created, OmniGodity! Sans can manipulate statistics, such as LV, HP, ATK, DEF, GOLD, EXP. He can manipulate Sans can manipulate the appearance and also the mind.
Sans can create any soul, be it a monster, human, or even a new kind, he can manipulate that soul and customize it as he wishes, he can create traits for monster souls and human souls, and as I said before, create his own traits/kinds.
God Creation/god creation: OmniGodity! Sans can create unlimited gods at his will, it can be Sans, Gaster or any other character and he can give them every ability they want without limit
Force Control/ Forced Control[]
Allows OmniGodity to control the basic force system from the Infinite Universe to the highest order celestial bodies of the Omniverse.
Another ability/power[]
OmniGodity has infinite skills, and it is arguably impossible to say exactly how many skills OmniGodity has.
True Unity Of Gods (TUOG)/True Unity Of Gods[]

True Unity Of Gods (TUOG)/True Unity Of Gods
This form is obtained when Infinitey code, Omnipotent and ten no kami use their powers together, this form is rarely used because they must have the same goal and will.
This form is not very dangerous, but OmniGodity feels tired using that form, it is balanced and very powerful, but Omnipotent loses his control over OmniGodity because Ten and Infinitey Code use their true power.
Omniversal Nuke/ Omnipotent Nuke[]
This attack allowed OmniGodity to unleash his full power, corrupting thousands of universes in a massive explosion of power.
GodityThorn/Divinity Thorn[]
This form is the result of OmniGodity using the true power of Islothorn.
When Omnipotent fused with Inf code, etc., he was still connected to Islothorn, so now he can still use that form.
Fused with Infinitey Code and Ten no Kami now he can use a better Islothorn because Omnigodity is enough to support Islothorn's true power without dying, but if he uses too high a percentage (80%+) he will suffer a little damage to Islothorn's power.
This form can be used even if OmniGodity uses TUOG, but the form is harder to control and the consequences are more severe.
10% - 30%[]
In this stance, OmniGodity will not be hurt at all, he can easily use this form and he can keep it for 1 hour.
After using this form OmniGodity is very tired, but not dangerous at all, this form he can use continuously for 45 minutes without stopping
In this form he starts to take some damage from islothorn forces, but in any case he is not in danger at all, this form can last for 30 minutes
The wound widens to the point of emitting a very intense and severe pain, but its counter power increases dramatically: at 99%, Omnigodity seems to be about to unleash a power beyond its control.
Even though this percentage increased by only 1%, the energy released by OmniGodity grew so much that the body itself struggled to withstand it, only for this transformation to destroy everything nearby (about a galaxy).
This level when OmniGodity uses this form at 100% power, but powered by King Omniverse and OmniRestore, OmniGodity is able to break all of its limitations and realms.
GODLY LIGHTINGSTORM / Divine Lightning Storm[]
This is Goditythorn's most powerful strike, this attack starts by creating some clouds from which thousands of lightning bolts fall to the ground, destroying everything, and after a few seconds each light falls into OmniGodity's body and then shouts them out in the form of a powerful beam of light. So far, he has only used this attack once, but no one knows how powerful it is.
Infinity Ultimate[]

This is the strongest form that Omnigodity can use singularly. It was created when Omnigodity crushed and destroyed the limits of his power, becoming even more fragile and powerful. His great power surpasses even King Omniverse K.I.N.G. This power is terrible to use, causing Omnigodity to shatter and malfunction, even though the power gained is immense. Omnigodity has not yet learned how to make the most of this power. In fact, he can only activate it in extremely dangerous situations. Islothorn's power cannot be fused with this form.

This is not exactly a form, it was acquired once and never again. This "form" is completely out of Omnigodity's control, and Omnigodity is looking for an explanation.
He looks like a huge white dragon, with infinite markings on his body, and this form helps him to contain his enormous power. atmosphere, so no one hates him!
Infinity Wings: He can use this wing to create a strong wind to throw a person away
Adjudication Eye: If he uses this ability and observes a person, he can immediately know if he is good or bad, and if he is bad, the person will immediately start burning with white flames. This ability is dangerous because trugodity does not he can decide for himself whether to start burning that person, and this ability will also make him blind for a day.
Last Wish/Last Wish:[]
When he is near death or seriously injured, he can use this ability to make a wish to save himself. This ability can only be used once a year
Infinite Beam:[]
An extreme version of the beam that emanates from his mouth, this beam is extremely powerful and fast, yet calm at the same time
Destiny Breaker[]
Number Manipulation/number manipulation[]
Dimensional Manipulation[]
Frontier Manipulation[]

Other names: Godity404, Manifold404, or Manifoldity.
This form occurs when OmniGodity merges with Omni404 after doing something, although this form is almost impossible in the case of Omni404 hating OmniGodity, unless OmniGodity and Omni404 are in the most dangerous situation.
AlphaTale (Fanon) (Old Location/Old Friend)
King Omniverse Sans (close friend)
Omni-Restore (close friend)
Omni404 (Fanon) (both friend and foe)
God404 (Enemy)
4th Breaker Z! Sans (close colleague)
Cozmo sans (ally)
King Megaverse (ally)
Anti-God!Sans (Enemy)
AlphaGodity (AlphaGodity-san)
Destroy404 (annoying/enemy)
OmniDestroy (annoying/enemy )
OmniBreaker (annoying)
King Boundless (Traitor)
Eminence707!Sans (ally)
FallenGodity (Hate)
Meta!Godity (You want a lot of Godity?)
LordGodity Sans (LordGodity-Lord)
Embodiment Sans (OmniGodity says: "Wtf?")
4th Omni/GlitchFatal (OmniGodity says: "Hey, long time no see' 2 author's us)
Virus404 (OmniGodity says: "My author likes your author." )
Infinitey Code (The Ultimate Enemy of the Undertale Fandom) (enemy/friendly)
EpicFlick (OmniGodity: "You want more Godity huh?")
Yumi (Yumi-sensei)
・Sans and InfinityCode, as well as Ten no Kami, Islothorn.
・OmniGodity is unaffected by every character in Toonforce.
・Omni404 is a competitor to OmniGodity.
・OmniGodity!Sans does not like to kill everyone.
・OmniGodity absorbed Ten no Kami
・Now OmniGodity can use the real power of Islothorn.
・OmniGodity wants to destroy God404, he could destroy him if he wanted to, but based on his promise to Alpha404, he is now putting aside his plans to destroy God404.
・King Omniverse Sans is OmniGodity's best friend.
・OmniGodity helped Cozmo sans with King Omniverse Sans in the Godverse comics.
・The Infinity Code in Fusion is not the original one
・OmniGodity always shares a room with King Omniverse while protecting King Omniverse's space.
・OmniGodity often brings King Omniverse and OmniRestore into unfamiliar spaces that OmniGodity finds, and sometimes guides Omni404, even if Omni404 doesn't like OmniGodity.
・Everything associated with OmniGodity is infinite, for example: everything is infinite.
・OmniGodity is the symbol of the Omniverse God.
・The name OmniGodity is inspired by these two words: "Omni" and "God" and "Deity".
・OmniGodity will not die, OmniGodity is a "perfect" abstraction, but there is a way to kill OmniGodity. break OmniGodity's "perfect" infinity, although it is almost impossible to do so.
・OmniGodity has partnered with 4th Breaker Z!